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University of Iowa: Fewer parking tickets crippling parking revenues

University of Iowa: Fewer parking tickets crippling parking revenues

| December 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

The University of Iowa is witnessing a gradual decline in parking revenues with each passing year – but it’s not complaining about the lost revenues. Instead, it’s behind them. The school cites alternative modes of transportation, the ever-present threat of tickets, and fewer metered spaces as major reasons for this downward trend. The Gazette reports […]

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Why a residential parking permit program won’t work in New York

Why a residential parking permit program won’t work in New York

| November 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

Manhattanites like to brag that New York does everything just a little bit bigger and better than Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, or Washington, D.C. — except, it seems, when it comes to a residential parking permit (RPP) program. Each of those cities boasts one, while New York has hemmed and hawed before saying “naw” on […]

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Tampering with disabled parking placards to draw bigger fines in ME

Tampering with disabled parking placards to draw bigger fines in ME

| October 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

Drivers found tampering or using expired disabled parking placards in Portland, Maine may now have to pay a heftier fine of $200. On 21 October, the City Council gave the first reading of this ordinance change in an effort to curb the rampant misuse of disabled passes. If the new rule is implemented, frustrated parking […]

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Virtual parking permits introduced in Milwaukee

Virtual parking permits introduced in Milwaukee

| October 28, 2013 | 2 Comments

Begone, physical parking permits! Starting December 20, virtual permits will rule the nighttime streets in Milwaukee, WI. Currently, the city doesn’t allow vehicles to park on its streets between 2 and 6 a.m. Monday through Saturday unless they display a night parking permit, which must be featured in the left corner of their rear window. […]

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Stricter laws to curb disabled parking abuse cause nuisances for the disabled

Stricter laws to curb disabled parking abuse cause nuisances for the disabled

| October 7, 2013 | 1 Comment

Accessible parking that started as a move to provide relief to those with disabilities is now extensively misused by the public. An estimated 72% of the 43 million Americans who rely on private automobiles for their transportation are affected by the problem of illegal disabled parking at one time or another. While state laws are gradually […]

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Nation’s capital adopts new visitor parking pass program

Nation’s capital adopts new visitor parking pass program

| August 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

After a series of public meetings earlier this year on the city’s parking policies, Washington, D.C., has adopted one element—a revised visitor parking pass (VPP) program—that has some residents calling for the dismissal of Terry Bellamy, director of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The meetings were intended to address a variety of issues, including […]

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Fake permits make parking a beach in New Hampshire coastal town

Fake permits make parking a beach in New Hampshire coastal town

| August 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

The summer may be drawing to a close, but parking troubles at the coastal town of Seabrook, New Hampshire, look like they’re just beginning. A spotlight was thrown on the issue of fake permits last week when a police officer discovered that owners of beach properties have been forging parking placards and distributing the fakes […]

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Crackdown on disabled parking placard abuse in Washington state

Crackdown on disabled parking placard abuse in Washington state

| August 14, 2013 | 0 Comments

Volunteers for the Lacey Police Department in Washington state kept having to ask themselves: Were the disabled parking placards they were finding in drivers’ cars valid? Drivers were placing them on vehicle dashboards and then deliberately hiding the expiration date, the volunteers said in their complaints to Rep. Sam Hunt, D-Olympia, last year. The state legislator […]

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The end of free disabled parking?

The end of free disabled parking?

| July 24, 2013 | 2 Comments

Known (and satirized) for its eco-friendly, left-leaning politics, Portland, OR, may have recently hardened its warm, fuzzy public image. Last week an editorial in the local paper suggested that those with accessible parking permits should pay for on-street parking—just like everyone else. Does this spell the end of free disabled parking? Currently, Portland, like many […]

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Orlando gets tough on abusers of disabled parking permits

Orlando gets tough on abusers of disabled parking permits

| July 12, 2013 | 1 Comment

At nearly 3 a.m. before the Fourth of July weekend, Judith Beal found herself facing jail time for illegally using a disabled parking permit in downtown Orlando. Police had spotted her Chevrolet in a handicapped parking spot late on a Saturday and grew suspicious. They ran the placard hanging from her window and discovered it […]

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