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Free parking preferred over other transportation benefits, study finds

Free parking preferred over other transportation benefits, study finds

| August 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

Who doesn’t like freebies? Commuters in the D.C. area stayed true to expectations, and told researchers at Virginia Tech University (VTU) that take advantage of free parking when employers offer it. Commuters also said that they’d choose free parking over other transportation benefits, such as those for public transit or other travel modes, like biking or […]

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San Francisco may give more parking spots to car sharing companies

San Francisco may give more parking spots to car sharing companies

| May 22, 2014 | 0 Comments

According to car sharing companies, one key bottleneck in car sharing gaining momentum is the lack of parking spaces. Now, to help them ease into the city, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is set to approve fifty on-street car-share parking spots. “It opens up a lot more of the city to car-sharing,” says […]

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A parking lot paved for ecoparadise

A parking lot paved for ecoparadise

| May 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

A parking lot doesn’t normally generate attention, except when it’s covered in blue-and-green, hexagonal solar panels. Designed by Julie and Scott Brusaw, the panels may soon power America’s aging energy and road networks if the husband-and-wife team reach the $1 million goal of their Indiegogo campaign. Launched last month, the campaign is the most recent […]

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Why L.A.’s transit agency should charge more for parking

Why L.A.’s transit agency should charge more for parking

| April 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Later this year Metro, L.A.’s transportation agency, plans to raise its raise its base transit fare from $1.50 to $1.75. The organization says doing so will increase its fare recovery—the percentage of operation costs that fare revenues cover—from 25 percent to 33 percent. But the agency is leaving money on the table—er, lot—by ignoring another source […]

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Parking issues stall micro-unit apartments near D.C.’s Logan Circle

Parking issues stall micro-unit apartments near D.C.’s Logan Circle

| January 20, 2014 | 0 Comments

Last May, developers Brook Rose and Gregg Busch seemed like pioneers. The two were proposing an eight-story, 38-unit apartment building in the Logan Circle neighborhood of D.C.’s downtown — of which 32 would be “micro-units” of 280 to 350 square feet. In addition to riding the trend of miniscule apartments, the duo distinguished themselves by offering no […]

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Scooter parking: the legalities can be bumpy

Scooter parking: the legalities can be bumpy

| May 30, 2013 | 1 Comment

For motorcycle safety month, we decided to take a look at a tiny but growing niche – scooter parking. Motorized scooters such as Vespas have become an increasingly popular way to get about town. Beyond the sheer fun factor, they offer low fuel costs and a petite frame that provides the convenience of parking where […]

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Car culture in L.A. on the skids?

Car culture in L.A. on the skids?

| April 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Roll down the window/Put down the top/Crank up the Beach Boys baby…/We’re gonna ride it till we just can’t ride it no more, sang Randy Newman in 1984.

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