
Parking meter rate hike in Philadelphia could mean more funds for city schools
Very soon, drivers in Philadelphia may have to shell out more money for parking. The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) is planning to increase existing parking meter rates in order to generate extra revenue for the cash-starved district. The PPA’s proposal, if approved by the city council, will take the parking meter rates up by $0.50 […]

Parking problems for the handicapped at Wichita State University exacerbated by construction
With four major construction projects underway, space is tight at Wichita State University (WSU), especially when trying to find parking. The overall amount of parking spaces has decreased, but not for the disabled, who must be allocated a certain number of spots by law. Grady Landrum, director of the campus office of disability services, says […]

Savesies lead to mugging in D.C.
In cities such as Chicago and Boston, it’s commonplace (if illegal) to mark your parking spot with orange cones and other detritus—two-gallon buckets and boxes have been seen, even a container of antifreeze—especially during snowy weather. In fact, the Philadelphia police department recently had to tweet a message that asked residents to keep their parking […]

University of Michigan rejects privatized parking
The University of Michigan (UM) became the latest in a number of higher education institutions to weigh in on privatized parking when it opted not to privatize its parking system. The university began exploring the idea after Ohio State University (OSU) struck a deal with private investors who agreed to lease and operate its parking […]

University of Iowa: Fewer parking tickets crippling parking revenues
The University of Iowa is witnessing a gradual decline in parking revenues with each passing year – but it’s not complaining about the lost revenues. Instead, it’s behind them. The school cites alternative modes of transportation, the ever-present threat of tickets, and fewer metered spaces as major reasons for this downward trend. The Gazette reports […]

University of San Diego students struggle for parking even after purchasing parking permits
The difficulty of getting a parking space – even after paying a hefty amount for a parking permit – has left students of the University of San Diego (USD) angry. A student, Allyson Meyer writes in the university blog how frustrating it is to drive around the campus looking for a free parking space, and […]

Parking lot generates big revenue for public schools in Ann Arbor, MI
At a time when public high schools nationwide are still struggling to climb out of the budget sinkholes caused by the Great Recession, at least one high school in Ann Arbor, MI, is proving to be a revenue machine for its school district. Located kitty-corner from the University of Michigan football stadium, Pioneer High School […]

Stanford avoids paying $100 million for parking garages
Despite enlarging its campus by 20 percent and its employee and student population by 25 percent in the last decade, Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA, hasn’t seen a rise in traffic. In fact, the number of university staff and students making single occupancy vehicle trips has decreased almost 30 percent in that time: from […]

Ohio State parking changes are really for your benefit. Promise.
When, in June 2012, Ohio State decided to lease its parking operations to QIC Global Infrastructure and LAZ parking in a fifty-year contract, reactions were mixed. The Ohio State parking system went for 483 million dollars and many didn’t mind the change. However, the transition didn’t go as smoothly as many had hoped. Many were […]

Tension over student parking at the University of Alabama
When enrollment reached a record high of 33,602 last fall and 300 parking spaces were lost due to construction projects, it was easy to predict that tensions over student parking at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa would rise. “Right now it feels like the parking system is taxed to capacity. It’s not horrible, but […]
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