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Tag: college

University parking: who should pay?

University parking: who should pay?

| October 18, 2013 | 0 Comments

Lots of people reflect on college as the best time of their life – the social events, meeting new people, and discovering their passions. Naturally, with all those good experiences also come the usual collegiate stressors – midterms and finals, attempting to live off ramen noodles and sad sandwiches, and struggling with time management. The last […]

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UC Berkeley parking squeeze tightens

UC Berkeley parking squeeze tightens

| April 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Nothing may epitomize parking issues in Berkeley, CA better than the single star given the city’s parking enforcement on popular online review site Yelp. The score beats out a similar page for Los Angeles (1.5 stars) but equals the same for the nation’s capital, which also received one star out of a possible five. “Is […]

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Parking clash in Gainesville, Florida

Parking clash in Gainesville, Florida

| April 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

Who should pay more for parking, owners or renters? Homeowners shouldn’t have to pay to park a car on the street in front of their own house at all, Frank Green told The Gainesville Sun late last month.

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